Pooch Playoffs 2025


We’re trying to find the cutest canine in our county and raise money for the Scituate Animal Shelter at the same time.

For $125 your pup will be entered in a bracket-style competition where the proceeds will be donated to the Scituate Animal Shelter. Every week, they’ll be matched up with another pooch to be voted the Ulti-Mutt Cutie. Dog and human-friendly S(wag) bags for all participants. Plus, Prizes from local businesses for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place winners!

What is Pooch Playoffs and how does it work?

There’s even going to be a national competition so if your dog wins locally they could go on to compete nationally!

Are you a small local business that wants to get involved?

We are looking for businesses like yours to sponsor or donate gifts for the swag bags! Get in touch with me by clicking below

Make a donation

Donate to the Scituate Animal Shelter below to help other animals find their forever home.

In 2023 Isabella Ripley Photography and the south shore community were able to raise $2,400 for SAS!

In 2022 Isabella Ripley Photography and the south shore community were able to raise $1,793 for the Scituate Animal Shelter!

In 2023 Isabella Ripley Photography and the south shore community were able to raise $2,400 for the Scituate Animal Shelter! So let’s have some fun, create art of your best friend and help other pets find their family too.

Meet Juno the ulti-mutt cutie of the South shore 2024!

Maui loves her people! She goes to school every Friday with her mom to give support and comfort to anyone who needs it. She is the beloved therapy dog of Duxbury school.

Meet Juno the ulti-mutt cutie of the South shore 2023!

Juno loves her family with all of her heart. She is very patient with her younger human sisters even when they are hanging all over her. She was her parents’ first baby and they absolutely adore her ears.

Meet Luna the ulti-mutt cutie of the South shore 2022!

She is known as the mayor in her neighborhood. She loves to greet all of the kiddos getting off the bus and making them smile. She doesn't typically enjoy playing with toys in her free time but adores treats!